Hi everyone!
I've been kicking around the idea of blogging about comics for a while with Chad and this is the best I've come up with!
Here's the deal: I read a bunch of comics every week. Spoiler alert: most of them are published by DC. So each week I'll jot down my thoughts on some of the books I read that week. Nothing super in-depth or wordy, but just a run-down of some of what I read and what I thought of them. If you have thoughts on books that I don't discuss, feel free to ask!
Note - you'll find a list of all the books I read that week listed at the bottom.
A.D.: After Death - Book 2
Written by: Scott Snyder
Art by: Jeff Lemiere
Published by: Image Comics
Scott Snyder has two great books out this week that are vastly different. A.D. Book 2 continues this unique format of prose combined with comic art and dives more into the back story of Jonah Cooke. Specifically his background as a thief and how that led to where is today: as someone who has found the cure for death. Snyder does a great job of juggling two timelines simultaneously and the effect of using prose for the past and comic form for the present is great. I've also been incredibly impressed with the printing/publishing quality of the book by Image. As a note - A.D.: After Death was optioned for a movie from Sony Pictures shortly after Book 1 was released.
Grade: A
All-Star Batman #5
Written by: Scott Snyder
Art by: John Romita Jr, Danny Miki, Tom Palmer, Sandra Hope, Richard Friend, & Dean White
Published by: DC Comics
So I will officially read anything written by Scott Snyder. Just as a heads up. This issue wraps up his first arc on All-Star Batman ("My Own Worst Enemy") and one of the things I love about Snyder's writing is that there is so much more to his writing than what's right in front of you. There's always some deeper meaning or connection that pays off by the end. What we end up with here is a great story about Alfred's love for Bruce amidst all of the intensity of this road trip we've been following Batman on. Also, Snyder shows us that Batman can be funny and still be "the Dark Knight".
Grade: A
Civil War II #8
Written by: Brian Michael Bendis
Art by: David Marquez, Adam Kubert, Leinil Francis Yu, Daniel Acuña, Alan Davis, Mark Farmer, Marco Rudy, Mark Bagley, John Dell, Esad Ribic, & Justin Ponsor
Published by: Marvel Comics
Civil War II finally comes to end. Marvel has become increasingly bad shipping books on time and adding issues in the middle of the run. Case in point: Civil War II. After7 8 issues, we finally have a conclusion that has really already been spoiled for us in the pages of other Marvel books, since the delay of Civil War pushed it out further than when the regular series were ready to hit the shelves. Unfortunately the wait doesn't necessarily pay off and you're left feeling a little unsatisfied due to the lack of long-term repercussions we were promised from the beginning. Honestly, it feels as if all of the "big things" happened in earlier issues (with the exception of Tony Stark). The one thing this book does set up is a quick glimpse into future (or current) things happing in the Marvel Universe like Monsters Unleashed, Inhumans vs. X-Men, what appears to be Thor Odinson fighting Loki, and a freaked out Captain Marvel seeing Ultron standing over the bodies of the Avengers. Not a terrible end to the event but very lackluster.
Grade: D
Dark Knight III: The Master Race #7
Written by: Frank Miller & Brian Azzarello
Art by: Andy Kubert, Klaus Janson, Brad Anderson, Frank Miller, and Alex Sinclair
Published by: DC Comics
So...a lot of what I said about Civil War II pertains here as well. Adding an extra issue. Extended delays. So forth and so on. The difference is that: 1) this is more of a rarity for DC and 2) the wait has been MUCH longer for DK3. The series began in November 2015 and with it's 8 (at the time) issues, it should have concluded in June 2016. Here we are barely squeaking out issue seven, 13 months later, and now awaiting issues 8 & 9. Having said that there are things I like and don't like about this book. It seems very much like Frank Miller agreed to have this project happen and now I'm curious if Brian Azzarello is writing all of the scripts. It just feels like it's missing some of that feeling that DKR, or even DK2, had. I'm enjoying Andy Kubert's art and it feels very much a part of Miller's "Batmanverse". I'm also a little disappointed that the mini issues inside have not been drawn by different art talents like we were originally expecting. For a series I was pumped about, at this point I just want to see how it ends to get the full story to see if this has been a waste of time.
Grade: C
Action Comics #970 by Dan Jurgens & Patch Zircher
All-Star Batman #5 by Scott Snyder & John Romita Jr
Dark Knight III: The Master Race #7 by Frank Miller, Brian Azzarello, & Andy Kubert
Detective Comics #947 by James Tynion IV & Alvaro Martinez
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #2 by Joshua Williamson & Tony Daniel
Wonder Woman #13 by Greg Rucka & Renato Guedes
Civil War #8 by Brian Michael Bendis & David Marquez
A.D.: After Death - Book 2 by Scott Snyder & Jeff Lemiere
Saga #41 by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples
I've been kicking around the idea of blogging about comics for a while with Chad and this is the best I've come up with!
Here's the deal: I read a bunch of comics every week. Spoiler alert: most of them are published by DC. So each week I'll jot down my thoughts on some of the books I read that week. Nothing super in-depth or wordy, but just a run-down of some of what I read and what I thought of them. If you have thoughts on books that I don't discuss, feel free to ask!
Note - you'll find a list of all the books I read that week listed at the bottom.
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Credit: ImageComics |
Written by: Scott Snyder
Art by: Jeff Lemiere
Published by: Image Comics
Scott Snyder has two great books out this week that are vastly different. A.D. Book 2 continues this unique format of prose combined with comic art and dives more into the back story of Jonah Cooke. Specifically his background as a thief and how that led to where is today: as someone who has found the cure for death. Snyder does a great job of juggling two timelines simultaneously and the effect of using prose for the past and comic form for the present is great. I've also been incredibly impressed with the printing/publishing quality of the book by Image. As a note - A.D.: After Death was optioned for a movie from Sony Pictures shortly after Book 1 was released.
Grade: A
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Credit: DC Comics |
Written by: Scott Snyder
Art by: John Romita Jr, Danny Miki, Tom Palmer, Sandra Hope, Richard Friend, & Dean White
Published by: DC Comics
So I will officially read anything written by Scott Snyder. Just as a heads up. This issue wraps up his first arc on All-Star Batman ("My Own Worst Enemy") and one of the things I love about Snyder's writing is that there is so much more to his writing than what's right in front of you. There's always some deeper meaning or connection that pays off by the end. What we end up with here is a great story about Alfred's love for Bruce amidst all of the intensity of this road trip we've been following Batman on. Also, Snyder shows us that Batman can be funny and still be "the Dark Knight".
Grade: A
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Credit: Marvel Comics |
Written by: Brian Michael Bendis
Art by: David Marquez, Adam Kubert, Leinil Francis Yu, Daniel Acuña, Alan Davis, Mark Farmer, Marco Rudy, Mark Bagley, John Dell, Esad Ribic, & Justin Ponsor
Published by: Marvel Comics
Civil War II finally comes to end. Marvel has become increasingly bad shipping books on time and adding issues in the middle of the run. Case in point: Civil War II. After
Grade: D
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Credit: DC Comics |
Written by: Frank Miller & Brian Azzarello
Art by: Andy Kubert, Klaus Janson, Brad Anderson, Frank Miller, and Alex Sinclair
Published by: DC Comics
So...a lot of what I said about Civil War II pertains here as well. Adding an extra issue. Extended delays. So forth and so on. The difference is that: 1) this is more of a rarity for DC and 2) the wait has been MUCH longer for DK3. The series began in November 2015 and with it's 8 (at the time) issues, it should have concluded in June 2016. Here we are barely squeaking out issue seven, 13 months later, and now awaiting issues 8 & 9. Having said that there are things I like and don't like about this book. It seems very much like Frank Miller agreed to have this project happen and now I'm curious if Brian Azzarello is writing all of the scripts. It just feels like it's missing some of that feeling that DKR, or even DK2, had. I'm enjoying Andy Kubert's art and it feels very much a part of Miller's "Batmanverse". I'm also a little disappointed that the mini issues inside have not been drawn by different art talents like we were originally expecting. For a series I was pumped about, at this point I just want to see how it ends to get the full story to see if this has been a waste of time.
Grade: C
Action Comics #970 by Dan Jurgens & Patch Zircher
All-Star Batman #5 by Scott Snyder & John Romita Jr
Dark Knight III: The Master Race #7 by Frank Miller, Brian Azzarello, & Andy Kubert
Detective Comics #947 by James Tynion IV & Alvaro Martinez
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #2 by Joshua Williamson & Tony Daniel
Wonder Woman #13 by Greg Rucka & Renato Guedes
Civil War #8 by Brian Michael Bendis & David Marquez
A.D.: After Death - Book 2 by Scott Snyder & Jeff Lemiere
Saga #41 by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples